Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Really. It was time for a change.

So here's the new blog. Not very new though, just a new address, the old posts that you have all grown to love so much are still here, so fear not, there aren't any drastic changes. I was getting a little sick of the old address and felt it was time for a change. Actually, between you and me, the old addy hit a little too close to home and was way too reflective of who I am, that's the real reason for the move. Oh. And also. I screwed around with my blogger settings and I can't post anything to the old blog anymore. The odds were against me you see, someone was conspiring to ruin me and was orchestrating a blogger coup d'etat. I have an inkling of who it might be. Don't worry, they will be severely reprimanded.

Till next time!

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