Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Road Talks

Aiya and I are lame. We like Ben Stiller movies and fart jokes. Our parents get annoyed because we giggle like maniacs and it grates on their nerves. Despite sporting a fairly significant age gap we get along really, really well. Of course this wasn't the case when he was in his teens. Things only started improving after he left high school.

So he's moved out of the house and I don't get to see him as often as I did before. It does suck but due to a few personal issues that have cropped up in his life he's around a lot more. Even though the circumstances aren't the best it's really nice to have him around. Our time together usually revolves around getting good Chinese food and watching really juvenile movies. The night we were going to see Tropic Thunder (amazing movie by the way, I'm so glad we saw it with a theatre full of 14 year old boys), he suggested that I turn on the video camera on my phone and let it roll.

My apologies in advance because the clips are all turned over on their sides. I'm a technopeasant :(

**disclaimer: Aiya's a total racialist and I feel the need to point out that the hate mail should be directed towards him.

Untitled from rasti on Vimeo.

Yeah I'm a tool. "Road Trips?" Those are things you TAKE not record on your phone.

Untitled from rasti on Vimeo.

A few things Aiya's waxing on about finding a mate, "mara" is what we call Thathi, the official "euthaniser of relationships" title belongs to someone else but I like to mix it up and I don't really know why Aiya's talking in a Sri Lankan accent either.

Untitled from rasti on Vimeo.

He did end up parking in the handicap spot, limping out and leaving me with those two creepy hindustani dudes as company


Scrumps said...

Lol! I love you and your brother! Bless your hearts! I lvoe the subtle way that you've posted his personal ad too!

Beautiful accents! :)

Anonymous said...

I want beef buriyani now, dammit.

And I saw some of that dried squid shizz at Tokyo Airport. If you'd told me that it tasted good, I would have bought some.


T said...

you guys are hilarious. i love the limping out of the handicap spot bit. must try that.

rasti said...

scrump: And what accents would you be speaking of? We have no accents!

tiny: we'll hit up the Asian delights place the next time you're in town and I'll introduce you to the wonders of dehydrated seafood products.

t: we are awful, awful people who take advantage of the handicap