Thursday, December 13, 2007

The First Day of Christmas

So I've been informed that the 12 Days of Christmas start *after* the 25th. What's the point of posting up pictures of a humiliated hound after the hype of Christmas has worn off? I suppose this could be more like a 12 day countdown to Christmas? Aka a thinly veiled reason to spam the world with photographs of my dog? Why quibble?

As far as I am concerned, today is the first day of Christmas. Screw you tradition.

We decorated the house awhile back and what fireplace hearth is complete without a disgruntled hound?

Bah humbug!


Anonymous said...

dogging in the runup to Christmas, Rusty? Tsk tsk.

zlot said...

Love the decor! Especially those white ball lights. We needs more pictures.

rasti said...

Drac: *shudder*

Slothy: the fascination with ballz never ends does it?