Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Free at last *sigh*

Summer vacation has begun! Finished my last exam on Monday night, now I can be useless and do nothing with a pure conscious! Great feeling that is :)

Friday, August 13, 2004

I *heart* ZiZou

*singing like Weezer* "Say it ain't sOoOoOoOo...." can it really be that "Zinedine Zidane a annoncé sa retraite internationale ." *sob* yes it's true, he's retiring from international soccer. That blows. He's so amazing. Sure he's a bit bald, but come on, he's wicked on the field. Interestingly enough Nutmeg* and I were discussing ZiZou's skills one day during the Euro Cup Nutmeg is a HARDCORE English fan (wanker!) whereas I was rooting for les bleus. Anywho we got onto the topic of Beckham vs. Zinedine lol and it took the turn of "If you could hook up with either Becks or ZiZou would you chose?" Nutmeg of COURSE chose Becks b/c of the crazy cash he makes on endorsement deals and because he's so pretty, i know he's so superficial (Nutmeg that is)*tsk*tsk* I on the other hand chose ZiZou, and no not just because he's French and therefore infinitely cooler than Becks, but because of his skills. Come on he was paid 46 million Pounds to go to Real Madrid *cough* Nutmeg, which makes that a world record fee. Well Zizou I take my hat off to you and bid adieu! International soccer is just not going to be the same without you! It's a good thing you're still playing for Real though :)

*Nutmeg: (male)(although some might say female)friend from high school who bears an uncanny resemblance to a hamster. Shauna had a hamster named Nutmeg so now the nickname is stuck for LIFE.

It's Caper Time!!!
Speaking of people I admire I really like Quincy Jones. I like Zinedine Zidane. I like well made commercials. Which means I loved the whole Adidas "Road to Lisbon" (you need quicktime to see it) campaign. When I see things like that it makes me wonder what the hell i'm doing in Canada. Europe. Europeans are so much more creative than we are! *sigh* You can put on anything and carry it off with such flair, if only I too were gifted with an intriguing accent and impeccable clothing. They are just so much cooler than us North Americans. Their commercials.

Armchair Athletics
Currently I hold the Canadian
Armchair Athlete's title. I can't play sports but I'll darn tootin' watch 'em on the tele! It is with GREAT joy I welcome the Olympics into my home tonight. The next 13 days for me mean PURE unadulterated sports watching, Triathalon, Discus, Hurdles yes...even Speed Walking *woot*woot* I'm stoked.
Bring it on!!!!!

Friday, August 06, 2004

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

I must confess I do like snow...well I like the first snowfall and that's about it. Snow after the first snowfall = dreary Canadian winters and we all know how great those are! Not that I should complain because those poor people in the prairies get it so MUCH worse than we do in Toronto with our stupid "Lake Effect snow." Snow however is only supposed to be outside when it's cold. NOT in August. Richmond Street was closed again yesterday for freaking Cindrella Man. Traffic was disgusting and the amount of humanity outside gawking was ridiculous. Why can't they shoot on a weekend is what I'd like to know. So why were all these people outside? Other than to see Russell Crowe, there was snow out!!!! The entire street was covered in snow, the Model T Fords, old fashioned trolleys, everything covered in snow. By the time it hit five though most of it had melted :(

The Warsaw Uprising
This past Sunday marked the 60th Anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising. It's difficult for me to think about the uprising without thinking about the ordinary people, how they wanted to rise up against the opression and take a stand. Those individuals that wanted to make a change; they weren't alone in Poland all across Europe the underground resistance was working. It makes me think of modern day Iraq.

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Oh YES Wyoming!

(*sorry, but blogger's being stupid today, for some reason i can't post my links in properly...i'll try to fix it up when i get home!!)
This is old news, but I love the Seinfeld/Superman tag team action for those online commercials. *SIGH* I LOVE SEINFELD, his show is right up there in my list of fave TV shows (along with The Office, Blackadder, Monty Python's Flying Circus... the list can go on...) I haven't quiet decided on Curb Your Enthusiasm yet. It's almost like watching Seinfeld with a different character playing Jerry. I know Larry David was one of the creators, but the similarities are often eerie *shudder* Well back to those commercials. I think there should be a musical written about Toronto, just like for Wyoming. That way I could use lyrics from the musical as the title for this blog entry. What I would have really liked to say is "OH YES TORONTO."

I love Toronto (more than I love Jerry Seinfeld), but sometimes I wonder about this fair city I live in. It's hurting. Badly. Our city is full of beautiful people. Who can't dress. The other night on the Subway I saw a woman whose earrings were made out of TOONIES . That's right. Toonies. There is no excuse for that. Last week in the morning on the way to work we got stuck between Victoria St and Bay on Richmond b/c there was no electricity in the street lights. Why? Because they were shooting Cinderella Man (the new Russel Crowe boxing flick) outside of the Bay and needed to use old fashioned street lamps. Thus I was delayed from getting to work on time AND was hit on my super gross techies with mullets who were old enough to be my dad *vomit.* Although I see this whole Hollywood North thing as Canada prostituting itself for some US bling I realize how much cash it brings into our cash strapped film conundrum if you ask me. Well I'm yet to see Russell Crowe but the set is pretty cool. They've turned the Bay into Madison Square Gardens, and it looks better as MSG than anything else so far. In other news it looks like I will not see Ja Rule either. Freaking guy was right across the street from me last week too for his court appearance!! And you guys KNOW how much i LOVE his music. Some people have all the luck

A Love/Hate Relationship with the Scarborough Rotary Ribfest
So it's already established that I'm a pretensious snob when it comes to cultural things. I'm sorry but I'm just not a Ribfest sort of person. Mullets scare me. The music of Twisted Sister gives me nightmares. The 80s must go away. It is however possible to find the 80s in its purest most concentrated form at certain social gatherings. Like NASCAR (Elspeth can attest to this), and the Scarborough Rotary Ribfest . At first I loved it, because it gave me the entire house to myself on Friday night, which was AMAZING. I don't remember the last time I had the house to myself, to sit around and do absolutely nothing with no one around. As opposed to sitting around and doing nothing with the entire family around. Refreshing. The however came Saturday. That's when I began to despise my liberator. The Ribfest had to go. I couldn't HANDLE the BAD 80s music interspersed with bad Country and Western. I love music from the 80s The Cure rock (and they're coming to town next week for their Curiosa Festival!) but not blared from Thompson Park and invading my afternoon nap time! Even Oliver was unimpressed, he felt threatened by a mini Pomeranian and went and hid on the front porch ;) All in all, Ribfest can take a hike next year. However, one highlight of Saturday. I rode my bike down St.Andrews by the old church just after the downpour. There's something about being outside after a heavy rainfall. I think it's the smell, you know that damp earthy smell...

The Interpreter
There are very few things that will make me seriously consider moving to the States, particularly New York city. Among the few: Having the Beastie Boys , Interpol AND the Strokes living within a close proximity and being available for summer BBQs whenever I want them to come; scoring that dream job with the UN . I'm not big into watching movies in theatres, mainly because I think it's highway robbery to force someone to pay upwards of $13.00 for a movie that would look just fine on a TV screen. Buuuut, I'm TOTALLY stoked for the Interpreter, because for now I'm going to have to live vicariously through Nicole Kidman until I actually score that dream job at the UN. It's the only movie that's ever been allowed to actually shoot inside the General Assembly. Which is pretty wicked if you ask me.

...Well it's the beginning of August, so that means I need to go on my magazine run at lunch!!! As Fez would say, "I say good day"