Thursday, January 19, 2006

Because I don't post enough pointless pictures as it is.

Oliver - in a fit of uncharacteristic generosity - decides that he'll help Ammi with some of the work she brought home. 3 hours spent on the internet, and absolutely nothing was done. I think he was downloading torrents and chatting on MSN all evening. What can I say, he learned from the best.

Oh. By the way, did I mention?

I have a paper due tomorrow.

*sigh* Kids. There really is no end in sight. I think there will be pure swampage from now until finals. (In terms of school work, not uh, sewage.) Even though it's not that far away, and I'm looking forward to burning er, re-selling my textbooks, I still feel woefully unprepared. Well here's to diversions (read: distractions) such as poorly behaved animal friends, shopping and tickets to the Arctic Monkeys' show (yes I broke down and bought them!) to take our minds off of the inevitable.

Hope all of you are keeping afloat. Remember, reading week is just a month away! *woot*

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Exploitation via Ticketmaster

Cover of 'Whatever People Say I am, That's What I'm Not'

So I crawled out from under my rock just in time to realise that the Arctic Monkeys tickets for March have already gone on sale. As expected Rotate This was already sold out so I set my sights on Ticketmaster. I'm still debating whether or not to take the plunge and get them though...that $6.00 surcharge is killing my inner Shylock. (I guess it serves me right for not being on top of things). Also, I think that I will implode that week in March. Imagine? Arctic Monkeys, and then Coldplay? All in the same week? Too much good British music squeezed into a very limited timeframe? Should I just start getting my immigration papers to the UK ready now? Shall stop using question marks?

Well. If anyone has an extra ticket, you know who to call.

For the record, I don't really consider this grovelling. It's more like an appeal on your kindness and greater sense of humanity. You could be like a UN Goodwill Ambassador of music, like Angelina Jolie in the third world. It'll make you feel warm and fuzzy on the inside, but in the long run, it really does nothing.

If that's not convincing, then really I don't know what is.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Bunny Debauchery

Bunny doing lines

Do you remember the rabbit from Monty Python and the Holy Grail? My cousin has a puppet from back in the day that looks eerily like it. We got bored. I have an assignment that I should be working on. I present to you now:


Friday, January 13, 2006


First real un-half assed post of the new year. All it took was 13 days and a head cold. Oh yeah, and also reverting back to the pre-Christmas lifestyle, aka having no social life. Alas it's true, with the festivities over, you have all left for colder more inhospitable regions to continue on with your educations.

So. Here are a few random things that I'm stoked about for 2006 in no particular order:

Watching Santino subsequently getting his ass handed back to him on a platter.

The quadruple whammy birthday bash in February for me, tool, Alby and Rachem.

Going to the Coldplay concert in March with Alby. And watching her faint as soon as she sees Chris Martin's foot hit the stage. On the Jumbotron of course, because we have really shitty tickets. Then watching as the EMT whisks her away. The sweetest part will be when 15 years from now I'll be able to explain to her kids why Mommy has a giant scar on her forehead. "Yeah kids, she hit that guardrail like a vegan who had finally come to their senses and had a rib dangling in front of their face."

Visiting the grandparents in the motherland this summer, hopefully shedding some of this awful winter weight in the heat. Of course making time to buy an entire new wardrobe, while getting lastnode to teach me a few inappropriate phrases in Sinhala which I can use to horrify the above mentioned patrician grandparents.

Finally getting insurance and being able to drive. Not that Ammi will ever let me drive her car. And let's not start with Thathi. But it's best to be optimistic in these situations

Getting Oliver unspoiled enough so that he doesn't act as if he's bipolar, manic depressive or otherwise chemically imbalanced when taken out in public.

Stop missing my subway stop because I've gotten so engrossed watching something stupid (i.e. Coupling, Extras, and of course lamenting the demise of Arrested Development) on my ipod. Not overly optimistic that this will happen though.

Actually getting to see Thorn. Because really there's no way that we're both too busy to go on a wild shopping spree with money that neither of us has.

Taking advantage of my new lighter schedule and start reading for pleasure more. Not just the dull political science tomes which I fake enjoying.

Actually finish sewing tool's Christmas present.

Taking advantage of Aiya's job's close proximity to the Drake and (ab)using him for concert tickets. (Wow, that sentence probably had some of you grammarians gagging in a corner. I apologise.)

Um. This is getting long. I'm going to stop now.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

In lieu of a real post.

Slobo's cat Hoochie. In a bag.

It was nice having a social life again, although it was to be the fleeting sort. *sigh*

Well, here's what you've all been waiting for PICTURES. Let me know if you want me to e-mail any of them to you, or if you want something I haven't put up. Slobo, I know it's been more than three days. But. Please. Don't hurt my family.