Tuesday, July 29, 2008

How could I forget?

Last year's cake

Today is my best slag's birthday. Well, technically it's on the 30th but there's no way I'm going to be up past 11:59.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOUWER. I wish I was around the greater Colombo area to be on hand to surprise you shitless like last year. It's a shame that StupidLittleFascist is off jetsetting and unable to do my bidding. Which is sad really, since he is mansage.

So here's to you, the one who introduced me to the man that eventually broke my heart into a million little pieces. Picked me up off the ground and forced me to scream Bob Marley songs in an incoherent manner at R&B. Taught me that quiet geeks can be absolutely vile when questioned about check point etiquette and brought a new meaning to the phrase "purple haze."

Two posts in one day? I KNOW. Wtf is going on right?

That is the power of louwe people.


Don't step on a crack, or you'll fall and break your back.

As promised our next installment of "How to Combat Writer's Block via Blogging about Dinosaurs" features The Land Before Time. Srsly. This movie? It totally changed my elementary school life. My more astute readers will readily recognise today's title as a quote from Ducky. I vividly recall walking home from school with my peepz and looking down at the sidewalk purposely trying to avoid the cracks. Yeah, we were totally cool back in 1988. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

Moving along.

I start work on Wednesday. Or something? (Does a day of wage negotiations and getting to know the client base count?) Curious Yellow asked me to "Pray tell" as have many others. I suppose the best way to answer that is I'm going to be paid to be me. There is copious amounts of travel slated, mingling with interesting people and also corporately whore-ish ones. Listening to music and watching movies is necessary along with shopping. I will be paid to shop. Let that sink in kids. I will be PAID TO SHOP.

My homz over here sums up the general nature of what I'll be doing rather neatly "they somehow turned an hour conversation into an hour signifying nothing: a brilliant art, a legerdemain of the mouth, a slight of tongue."

I think it's going to be perfect.

Friday, July 25, 2008


Dinosaurs? For the next 6 months? Bring it.

I'll try but given my past track record with doing any kind of regulated blogging, holding your breath probably wouldn't be the best option. Does anyone remember the "12 Days of Christmas" that stopped with the 5th day? *cough*

I think we're all having debilitating writers block because of that lovely little web 2.0 app that we've been wasting our time on (s_angry). Here's the thing though, there are still things to blog about, things to talk about, pictures to post up. You've been complaining and trying to figure out how it's possible for a person to leave to Sri Lanka for a funeral go to London for (what was supposed to be) two years, come back, deal with the most scandalous family issues ever, become somewhat self-employed, back to unemployed and then land a dream job in the span of three months.

I suppose this is the reason why you sit here refreshing the page every hour to see if I've posted something new. *PATS* It's okay, your reward will come soon my pretties. Just not right now because all this babbling? It's supposed to be about DINOSAURS. Kudos to kerms for actually getting the ball rolling, I take my hat off (and only my hat, ahem,) to you sir.

So does anyone remember the above TV show? Denver the Last Dinosaur? Aiya and I used to watch it way back in the day. I checked out the wiki on it and couldn't help but chuckle. "The show revolved around the adventures of Denver, a dinosaur who was released from his dino egg by a group of multiracial modern California teens."

Come on, who wouldn't want to watch a show like that on Saturday morning?!

Next post: The Land Before Time among other things.