Saturday, December 25, 2004

Happy Chrismukkah!

Damn you $13.00 movie tickets!
Um. Yeah. So i'm a Scrooge around Christmas. I'm not averse to it. Really i'm not. I just hate the whole retail part of it. You know the malls, the nauseating music. On the other hand i love getting prezzies. Yeah, can the "Jesus is the reason for the season" schtick, He wasn't even BORN in December! Another thing that's great about Christmas time, the kick arse movies. Aiya and I go nuts. Recently we were saying how weird it'll be NOT to sit through 3 hours of Lord of the Rings while our gluts go numb and we make fun of the effeminate characters. However as I have noted to some of you already, a lot of my current boyfriends are in some really good movies. Not just eye candy folks, but QUALITY as well, and that's always good! Here's the shortlist:

The Assasination of Richard Nixon
The Aviator
Bad Education
Beyond the Sea
Bride and Prejudice
Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason
Finding Neverland
Hotel Rwanda
House of Flying Daggers
I am David
The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou
Meet the Fockers
The Merchant of Venice
Oceans 12
A Very Long Engagement

Speaking of boyfriends and movies though. I watched The Sound of Music yesterday, and i remembered how great Christoper Plummer was in his youth! Come on ladies you have to admit, those girlie men like Jude Law et al (who are undoubtedly good looking nonetheless) are really nothing in comparison the men of old. They just don't make 'em like Gregory Peck, Paul Newman, or Robert Redford anymore.

What do you expect for 15 bucks!
Yeah. Uh. I got my haircut at WalMart. I told you fanners that i was going to live it up white trash styles this Christmas. Along with the haircut i have a full cupboard of KD, a fridge full of chicken weiners and other disgusting things that i would never normally eat. Aiya has just informed me that we will be partaking in a meal of Miss Vicki's jalapeno chips, KD, and vanilla coke. Pretty crappy Christmas eh? It feels like a total fast forward! To add to it, flipping Oliver decides to screw over my Christmas eve by EATING house plants and random intervals. This i'm not used to. He has his bouts of evilness, but i think this is the worst he's ever done in terms of destruction. There was potting soil all over the living room carpet, hopefully i can ground the dirt into it. That way my parents will be forced to get rid of it and we can have hardwood again!

Him: Niles, Copernicus called, he said you're not the centre of the universe

Her: Not only do i have a plan. I have a dress too!

Thathi and I talking politics
Him: It's terrible what happened to Viktor Yushenko isn't it?
Me: Yeah, it is. And he was pretty good looking too!
Him: Movie star good looks.
Me: umm.
Him: No. I'm the only every day man that has the looks of a movie star*
*side note* Aiya: "Yeah, a Tamil movie star"

Thorn and i discussing the merits of getting haircuts at WalMart
Her: What the hell did you do?!
Me: It was only 15 bucks! And i got what i expected
Her: Yeah. I learned a long time ago, it's best not to be cheap when it comes to personal appearance
Me: Amen!
Both: We're so superficial

Well Kiddies, MERRY CHRISTMAS and all that jazz. Remember 91.1 FM will be playing Christmas swing tomorrow so remember to listen! Hope to see you all on the 28th :)

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Ever Felt Dumped On?

Can it really be possible that I have run out track pants and oversized t-shirts? I mean COME ON now, how am I supposed to maintain my high standards of slovenliness during the Christmas holidays?! I had no intentions of doing laundry until I had to go back to school, but now i am forced to. So i'm free. My parents are leaving soon and i'm planning on having keggers and jams at my house. No. I swear. I will. Watch me. When i'm not inebriated and cleaning vomit off of the floor though I'm intending on doing some "pleasure reading." Because we all know that doesn't exist in a university student's vocabulary. I'm going to get under a blanket, curl up with Oliver, a good book and gain some crazy weight, so do not disturb! The first on my list is Shake Hands With the Devil, the book that Romeo Dallaire wrote on his experiences during Rwanda. Flipping amazing and i haven't even read 20 pages yet.

Pfft, Me? An indie snob? Never!
Thorn and I were discussing the other day the merits of being an indie snob. The sad reality is neither of us can truly achieve true indie snobbery because there just isn't enough damn time. We can't spend hours pouring over obscurity and going to concerts in seedier parts of town. But believe me, if we could we would so be there. See what's even sadder about our inability to be indie snobs is that when it comes to good music, we only have each other to talk to about it. What's that? Interpol, Broken Social Scene, Postal Service (who will, according to our hopefully incorrect speculations never make another album again), dntel, Death Cab etc. Yeah. Only got thorn *le sigh* We've gotta meet some more people eh? ;) With that said controller.controller totally worth your time! Not only are they from Toronto, but their frontwoman is brown and sri lankan. Is it possible that she will knock Gwen off of her current pedestal of cool in my mind? Even though Gwen can do no wrong in my eyes, i'm a bit disappointed with this whole "let's pretend to be Japanese" thing. First it was Indian, now Japanese, it would be interesting to see how she pulls off Saudi Arabian. In happier news though i'm waiting for the next Gorillaz album! My brit-pop boyfriend Damon Albarn + De La Soul + DJ Danger Mouse = a speechless me

Ever Felt Dumped On?
How wicked is the Oxfam, Make Trade Fair campaign "Ever Felt Dumped On?" which is trying to bring awareness about surplus food dumping. Interestingly enough, the other night i was snooping around the US Agency for International Development, and would you believe that they practice food dumping? Unbelievable isn't it? *snark* Well, there's some pretty amazing pictures on the site, so go check it out, and sign the petition!

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Karma police, I've given all I can!!

This is what you get
This is what you get
This is what you get when you mess with us*

Today was pure evil. I swear. It was like the karma police were after me! There was no escaping. It all started with the wet hair that i went to bed with last night. I woke up and my bangs looked like Cameron Diaz's from that scene in There's Something About Mary, hence the bobby pin action. I had a crap load of books that i had to schlep with me so i put them all in a nice big, sturdy, impenetrable Gap bag. As always the Brimley bus was late and I had to stand out in the pouring rain as it hurled itself at me. So i get on the bus and i'm about to sit down when it jerks, and the bottom of my Gap bag gives way and everything falls out! Oh yeah. I forgot to mention. My bag was made out of paper. The ONE DAY i decide to pack my lunch had to be today, because of course it was in the bag, and my little tangerine rolled across the floor like it was doomsday. I also probably should have worn a Bounty paper towel rolls on my feet today instead of shoes, because they sure do feel like 'the thicker picker upper' right now. The sad thing is, the day isn't even over yet. I'll stop whining. I all of a sudden feel Jewish and it's scaring me.

Not Now Magical Arctic Puffin!!
Speaking of Jewish people, if you want some mindless yet hillarious entertainment, go and rent the Hebrew Hammer. I can say no more. It was too good. I FINALLY saw Elf. The same night as when i watched the Hammer. I've said it before, but man, Will Ferrell=GENIUS! I liked Elf, but A Night at the Roxbury and Old School were better. I'm STILL waiting to see Anchorman though, that looks flipping funny. I know it says so much about me as a person doesn't it? ;)

"You know what the 'W' stands for right?"
So Dubya came to Canada. *woot*woot* (feel the sarcasm?) Funny thing is, a)He refused to address parliament and b)He didn't come to Toronto. What a wuss eh? If he had come to Toronto, the entire university would've shut down and we all would've been outside of the US Consulate. Bus loads of protestors went from U of T to Ottawa. So he played it safe and went to Halifax. I was watching the National last night, and they were taking a look at America's reaction to Canadian anti-Americans. It was so sad. One guy on Fox who was wearing a bow-tie said that Canadians don't like Americans because we 'feel inferior' to them. Yeah. That's it Pee Wee. You keep believing that. But really, what IS up with all the anti-Americanism that's going on? I think most Canadians are retards because they can't seem to separate Bush from America. I know it's pretty hard to, since the majority of Americans actually DO like him and that in itself is pretty scary. But still. Come on! Give it a break already.

The people have spoken
The Greatest Canadian? Tommy Douglas of course! I don't agree with anti-Americanism, but i don't agree with the people who say that Canada's an extension of the U.S either because clearly we're not. What other country would vote a Baptist Premier from out West who instituted universal healthcare as their greatest citizen? Canadians and their drugs eh?

Today's World AIDS Day, and I can't help but thinking about James Orbinski (instrumental in getting generic retroviral HIV/AIDS medication available, and also the president of MSF when they won the Nobel Peace Prize - note if you read the speech it was done in 1999, read what he has to say about the U.S' involvement in Sudan. Very interesting). I remember when he came in and spoke in one of my first year politics classes. He was such an inspiration! The only reason why Canada is such a leader in the fight against AIDS is because of people like him and Stephen Lewis. I think I agree with my boyfriend Bono when he said "The world needs more Canada."

*Karma Police - Radiohead