Why are we such slaves to our emotions? Even the most stalwart amongst us falls prey to 'feelings' whether they be good or bad, it's one of those things that seem to always have a tenuous grip never willing to let go. Often when one's emotions club them in the back of the head leaving them an immobile pile on the floor they tend to turn towards music.
Bit silly innit? Whether it be a euphoric high or an epic low point there's always something that fits neatly into the 'soundtrack of our cutting edge lives.'* What ticks within us that finds the need to express ourselves through tightly written verses accompanied by some sort of instrument? When you think about it sounds absolutely absurd. Whilst going through the aforementioned highs and lows it's almost impossible to think coherently enough to be intelligible let alone eloquent. Perhaps it's because I strive to live my life as an emotionless android like Data that I generally view the whole process of song writing as suspect.
Come on, it doesn't really take much sleuthing to find terrible music written by people in the throes of some sort of emotional flux. Just scroll through a few random blogs and I'm sure you'll find some really poor emo which will make you want to gag. Leave the song writing to the professionals okay kids? Although it's innately within us, sometimes expressing it is best left to the professionals. Or those select few individuals out there who actually have talent.
I'm not a hater, because as I sit here and write I've got my headphones on and am listening to some music at a dangerously high volume. Fighting the urge to retreat with my baggage full of feelings and get lost in the sounds and words which I have no right over, but which have a hold over me. It's a bit strange that someone else's words and feelings can have so much resonance with another person, regardless of if they've ever met each other before or not.
I always want to jump in a car and start driving with a car full of people when I listen to Franz Ferdinand. Unfortunately there are a few things which are standing in the way of my doing that right now, lack of insurance, a car and a bunch of people.
*Care of edge102