Thursday, January 19, 2006

Because I don't post enough pointless pictures as it is.

Oliver - in a fit of uncharacteristic generosity - decides that he'll help Ammi with some of the work she brought home. 3 hours spent on the internet, and absolutely nothing was done. I think he was downloading torrents and chatting on MSN all evening. What can I say, he learned from the best.

Oh. By the way, did I mention?

I have a paper due tomorrow.

*sigh* Kids. There really is no end in sight. I think there will be pure swampage from now until finals. (In terms of school work, not uh, sewage.) Even though it's not that far away, and I'm looking forward to burning er, re-selling my textbooks, I still feel woefully unprepared. Well here's to diversions (read: distractions) such as poorly behaved animal friends, shopping and tickets to the Arctic Monkeys' show (yes I broke down and bought them!) to take our minds off of the inevitable.

Hope all of you are keeping afloat. Remember, reading week is just a month away! *woot*

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