Broken Social Scene
This is my last week of classes before finals, which means that 3 week study break I'm getting will be spent trying to get my shit together for 2 months in Sri Lanka. Right now I'm not overly excited about that prospect mainly because I will not be in Toronto on June 24th, and I really wish I was. When you lead an existence as shallow as mine the thought of dying of heatstroke in Colombo loses its appeal really fast when you realise that you could die of heatstroke at Centre Island. Yeah, once again, another summer of missing the Broken Social Scene Olympic Island concert which is one of the kickingest concerts of the year. The preliminary lineup this year seems pretty good, Feist, Bloc Party and who knows who else will be added. You know what adds insult to injury?
1. I could have gotten cheaper presale tickets earlier on this week because I'm an Inside Edge Member.
2. One of Aiya's part-time waiters is freaking IN Broken Social Scene. Which obviously translates into FREE tickets.
3. Rotate This and the usual haunts are also selling tickets, which means exploitation via ticketmaster (today at 10am if you want tickets!) wouldn't have been a necessary evil.
4. I'm already missing the Toronto Jazz Festival, which is also pretty kicking.
Instead I get to look forward to a summer spent in a capital city where "entertainment" means:
A) Going and watching painful and poorly made theatre. I've seen highschool plays better acted and written than the stuff I've slept through at the Wendt.
B) Getting drunk off your face, then proceeding to operate a motor vehicle whilst inebriated and bragging about it the next afternoon to your equally stupid friends.
C) Going to clubs where they play realllllly bad music, so bad that you just feel sorry.
Added to the above is the lack of good live music. It's either all covers (of bad music) or weird Sri Lankan metal bands (I.Know.) To put things into perspective, this is the country that professional musicians go to because their careers in the west are already dead. i.e. Peter Andre, Shaggy, Bryan Adams, Kool and the Gang and Engelbert Humperdinck are the ones I can name off the top of my head.
(What I think is the saddest thing is that people will actually drop a load of cash to go and see the above washouts. When I was there last year Engelbert was about to grace Colombo with his presence, tickets were going for 10,000 Rs, which give or take is about $100.00).
There are a lot more things to complain about, but I'll refrain from doing so right now.
I'm not bitter.
OK. So I might be a little.
Damn you Broke Social Scene, couldn't you have done this concert in say, August?
you forgot:
Loosing a significant number of years (and possibly hair) due to frustration of being stuck in traffic for hours
The latest colombo addiction: coffee shops
-Also part of SL entertainment scene
That being said, I dont go to Sri Lanka for its entertainment value. What lures me back is family and friends and really I woudnt care if we are hanging out in a bad coffee shop or outside piloows. Being back in thier company is worth it
p.s1:Postpone ur trip, go end of June so can watch the concert.
p.s2: Get out of Col if you really want entertainment :)
Yeah entertainment is def. not one of the big reasons to be going to SL. It's only because of my grandparents I go back. Unfortunately there will probably be not much getting out of Colombo for me because I'll be stuck in the city working, and postponing is out of the question completely. The joys of having scheduling conflicts ;)
I was just a little bitter when I wrote up that post, I actually really enjoy going back to SL mostly b/c it's nothing like Toronto. (Although I love Toronto to bits, change is good sometimes.)
Hey if u don't want to go u can always mail me ur ticket;-)..I just got back and miss SL like crazy. Again it is family and friends that are the main attraction for me as well...
I swear I drink more in Sri Lankan clubs just so I don't have to pay attention to the music...that country is the blackhole of bad taste in music. At least the old reserve and cute girl(s) makes up for it.
The 3 Fs, Food, Friends and Family would be the only reason I'd go back to SL. I'm with you on SL being where washout singers go to die is though, weird how people don't really notice that. I mean, people shelled out money to go and see the Vengaboys for the Gods' sake!
If your bro's mate is connected to the thingy you want to see then maybe you could wangle tickets to see them play some other venue at some other time? I feel your pain at not being able to go see live acts you like. Coldcut were here along with whatever's left of the Long Beach Dub Project (which lucky for me got cancelled or I wouldn't be able to keep living!) and Dead Prez were here yesterday and I couldn't go and see them because I was being all responsible and revising! :(
Anyway, Audio Bullys will be here in August and I will go and watch them. Woo!
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