So. N tagged me, and I didn't even realise this until yesterday, after I had responded to slothy's taggering. Here it is, the music meme.
1. CD or vinyl
- OoO. Well, for me, when it comes to personal every day use, neither. I'm all about the ipod. However when in a night spot, give me vinyl any day of the week. You must agree that for some unkown reason the Dream Warriors and a Tribe Called Quest just sound so much better on 12 inch
2. An album you’ve been meaning to listen to
- Not a big Oasis fan, but I have been meaning to check out their latest which dropped at the beginning of this month.
3. Grammys
- Load of tripe. Bring on the Mercury Prize instead.
4. Your favourite album is
- That? That's just an EVIL question. It's like asking me whether I'd rather die of decapitation, burning, drowning or combination. But I guess if I really had to choose, it'd probably be The Postal Service's GIve Up. That album never gets old, and every single depressing song on it has at one time or another in the last 3 years rung true in my life.
5. Invite 10 Music people for dinner. Who will it be?
Not in order of importance, but order of popping in my head.
i. Stephen Colbert and the Decembersits for the December 20th battle of the guitars. And I'm counting that as one. Suck it.
ii. Nirmala Basnayake of controller.controller to ask her WHY in God's name she did it.
iii. Bono. Simply to tell him that he used to be my idol when I was in highschool but now not so much anymore. I would include Angelina Jolie into this mix as well. I have essentially the same message for both of them. Stop with the nauseating faux humanitarianism. *cough* (red).
iv. Youssou N'Dour, he's all kinds of awesome. Got into him when I was in Sénégal. Speaking of the Sénégalaise, I'd probably also have over the man who handmade the incredible d'jembe I schlepped back from there. (Even though he was a French beach bum.) And yeah, don't nit pick, they count as one.
v. Leslie Feist, if I was a boy, i'd marry her.
vi. If I could bring back people from the grave, then Bob Marley for sure. And with that new found power, my Uncle who passed away and loved him.
vii. My paternal grandfather, because he has kickass taste in music, I'd also make him bring his record collection which features (to name a very few) Glenn Miller, Benny Goodman, and Dizzy Gillespie.
viii. Seu Jorge, makes some killer samba and he grew up in a freaking Favela for Pete's sakes. Oh yeah, and also his covers of David Bowie songs in the Life Aquatic are untouchable. With that said, David Bowie would also be invited, as Mr.Jorge's date.
ix. The Clash. That needs no explanation. Okay fine, for the uninitiated, how can you not have one of the most influential punk bands (in my opinion) at such a dinner? R.I.P Joe. Hmm, since we're talking about influential folks, in lieu of Joe (since he's dead) Afrika Bambaataa is also welcome at my overflowing table
x. Sufjan Stevens, I think he's one of the most innovative and prolific musicians of our time.
--> There's a lack of Toronto artists here, only because I've run in to all the ones I've wanted to ever meet at the Beac. Granted it wasn't dinner at my place, but it was dinner. Aiya just keeps 'em coming back for more.
6. Appropriate punishment for those who play Celine Dion’s "My heart will go on" while pretending that it’s still 1998
- Remind them that 1998 wasn't all that great. Seinfeld came off the air, Frank Sinatra died, and Bill Clinton was impeached.
7. Choose your favourite instrument and its best player from your point of view.
- I don't like this question. But no one can touch Ron Burgundy's Jazz Flute.
8. The one piece of music that can move you to tears
- Perhaps a bit cheesey, but I ain't ashamed. It's a toss up between How Great Thou Art and Great is Thy Faithfulness. Shut up. My inner Anglican is very strong.
9. You are an executive at a major label and have the power to green light one album a year. What would you do?
So many things to do!
- stage a coup d'etat that would effectively make me the lifetime-sole authority-leader of the ship type thingie at said record label, ensuring that i have a musical dictatorship that will last until i am either usurped of my power or die. Then i would go about doing a variety of different things such as:
- give Nirmala all the money she and her controller.controller cohorts need in order to continue recording
- buy over SubPop records ensuring that all the indie goodness coming out of there never has to be influenced by anything other than pretension.
Now I wield my great power and tag sloth, and drac (because, I think he probably hates memes with a passion. Prove me wrong drackity!)
You can't invite the Clash. Well, technically you can; but then invite only 6 others. Re-do!
Dude, the new oasis album is sort of like a 'greatest hits' compilation eh? Nothing new in it?
I likey Seu Jorge...bugger played at Stern Grove in the summer but was too hungover to drag myself over there...sigh...it was free too...and i hate missing out on free things
Bill Clinton was impeached? Really? Was I that drugged out in my late teens that I missed that?!
sloth: i most certainly will not re-do, i think you should re-do your face!
ooo. BURN.
spectral: Is it a complilation? Who knows, it probably is, i'm not a huge fan. I was pro-blur when that whole Oasis vs Blur thing blew up. Damon Albarn was my first british boyfriend
n: I hope you were kidding with the impeachment thing, because yeah he was, and he was allowed to serve out the rest of his term in office. (Just like ol' Andrew Johnson)
and n, shame about missing out on the Seu Jorge FREE concert. You've obviously spent a little too much time out of Sri Lanka. Any other self respecting Sri Lankan male would've gone hungover to a free concert.
I'm a bit scared to ask what time this concert was, and how much you had to drink. Whow knows, it might redeem the Sri Lankan male if you 'fess up ;)
right back to school for me...hmmm...guess you learn something new everyday!
In my defense we had to get to Stern Grove at the ungodly hour of around 11am...which meant leaving home around 10, which meant waking up at 9...which actually wasn't a problem considering how many vodka/bulls I had the night before...it was just standing up that was the issue:)
n: hmm, not too shabby, but i must say i would've been way more impressed if the free concert was at like 9-10pm and you were too hungover to go. Being hungover in the AM seems like the norm, but a hangover at night? That's stepping up the ante ;)
Is Stern Grove the infamous site that Jason Lee used to skateboard in before he became Earl?
Erm. Stop the Clocks was/is mostly a greatest hits thing. Still nice though... Just all the Oasis stuff you can sing along (or try to) when you're drunk.
On the hangover thing, there is a guy (PM at former workplace) who has the capacity to be coherent in the AM, but has to retire discreetly in the PM to recover. I've often asked him how he manages this delayed reaction thing... He says "experience".
Also, GAH on being tagged. Meme participation will probably be next week.
Generally spend my PMs diligently working on the AMs hangover:) (or at least used to)...don't think Stern Grove was a skateboarding site...its a park smack dab in the middle (well not exactly middle) of San Fran..
drac: does that mean he'd be drunk at work? That's awesome.
n: i thought i'd do some youtubing to see if there was any vintage clips. This is unfortunate. Check out the peroxide die job, it gets really boring after about 30 seconds though. http://youtube.com/watch?v=mYIB0jMui-I
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