It's the New Year, blah, blah, fishcakes. I'm a student, and have been since I was four, talk to me in September, because that's really when the new year starts for me. What with the advent of a new academic year, and more importanty the new fall tv lineups, that's when I get all introspective and shiz.
Tuesday was my first day of teaching French to young impressionable Canadian minds. Wasn't too bad, although a child did vomit all over himself within the first fifteen minutes of my arrival. Perhaps he was just so overwhelmed at the prospect of learning French?
I feel like Michael Scott more often than not though, my stint as a teacher will end up making his attempts to be friends with everyone in the Office pale in comparison. Is it wrong that I want them to think that I'm the cool one? Probably haha. Thathi advised me to be strict with them, this coming from the man who used to get public beatings at school because he'd piss on other students' head a la that scene in The Power of One.
Since this is the first post of 2007, perhaps a few (none academic) things to look forward to?
1. Going to the motherland for four months. If I make it through all four months, it would have been the longest that I've ever spent there (since we migrated to Canada, when I was 4).
2. Getting my fat ass on a treadmill
3. Going to more live shows
4. Getting engaged. To George Clooney. (Or Colin Firth, I'm not too picky)
5. Finishing off this bloody graduated licensing bullshit and finally getting my good and proper piece of paper and plastic rectangle with requisite bad picture.
6. Working up the nerve to drop everything like it's hot, run away and never be seen in these parts again.
7. Hearing more schizophrenic things like the below on a crowded subway in the middle of morning rush hour, when I have a dull pounding headache. Having this original piece of music repeated for 40 minutes straight has given me a bitter hatred towards rye and coffee in general. Why you may ask? Because it was stuck in my head the entire day.
Some folks like their coffee black
Some folks like it white
I'll have mine with a shot of rye, if you're with me tonight
I probably should've been more annoyed, but the best part was when the singer congratulated himself and said the compostion definitely rivaled anything written by John Lennon
8. Going to the cottage with the ladies again. Three days was not enough!
And that's all I can think of for now.
I say keep posting pics of the little fella...you never know if someone might see him and give him a modelling contract...enabling you to live a life of leisure of him...well one can dream right?
4 months!? 4 months!...ahhh...I want that! So when you are going to be ni the homeland?
Hey don't let anyone stop ya from posting doggie pics.
Btw, doesn't George Clooney ever bloody become yesterday's news????
Olivers cute..and its nice to see a doggy dog, as opposed to those shameful ones that go around in peoples handbags..but neighbour has one of those..urgh..
4 months in SL?? I'm hoping to scrape together 4 weeks if I can find enough holidays..when you heading over?
If you only knew how much of an unwilling subject he is! To get one good picture where he's actually facing the camera and not squirming around like a worm would try even the patience of Job. Talk about being a diva I swear.
Sadly Goerge Clooney will never, ever end up on the back page. You need to come to grips with that, the sooner done, the better for you :)
He indeed is a little cutie, and i must confess he isn't really a "doggy dog" as you say, he's small enough to fit into a handbag, the problem is wrangling him into one! Also many have said that the clothed humiliation that i put him through on a near daily basis takes away from any remaining vestiges of masculinity he may possess. Just wait until i dye him pink. It's a good thing dogs are colour blind ;)
n and V:
Yes, four months in the motherland, hoping to leave in the beginning of May (depends on the exam schedule) and head back to these parts late August early September if all goes to plan. But do not be deceived, I'm not going on a four month holiday (i wish!) it's mainly work related.
I might be there during my thesis submission period and 'cos my lease may expire.
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