What a gorgeous day. Looks like winter has finally decided to shove off. I was making my way to Sid Smith for a Lit lecture in the afternoon and the ice cream truck was out! Pretty soon the dicky-dee guy will be tooling 'round 'bout the neighbourhood. (I think dicky-dee is just a Toronto thing innit?)
It's been warm enough that I've pulled my bike out of the garage and ridden it to school. And by "school" I mean the place I teach French. Before the snow came down and ruined my traction I used to wear a pair of pants under my skirt. Couldn't be arsed to pack more shit into my backpack than I needed to and because of the strict dresscode at the school, going in pants was out of the question. Fortunately it was so cold out that I avoided coming in looking like my boyfriend Jim that time he decided to take his bike into the office, ie sweating like a pig. The thing is last Friday was another great mild day albeit a bit muddy, so I thought I'd ditch the pants under the skirt because I didn't need the extra insulation.
I also forgot that Friday was garbage day. Fat girl in skirt + backpack + bike + garbagemen = more honking than I really deserved.
As of today I have exactly four more weeks to go until I head off to the motherland. There's a lot of hype surrounding this trip. Not only will this be the longest stretch of time I've ever spent in Sri Lanka but I've also got Dash coming with me for the four months! I'm beyond stoked about that. Also, there have been a lot of promises made and frankly, I don't know what to believe anymore.
Will I be getting packets of murukku? Or even peanuts for that matter?
Is it possible that Christo, Umi and the Auditor pull through for fantabulous weekend getaways?
Or will Dash and I be holed up at my grandparents' place watching Hindi DVDs on our laptops?
So many questions and clearly not enough answers.
Also, if you have noticed the influx of random photos on flickr, I make no apologies, the acquisition of a pro flickr account means that old skool pictures will be posted. And don't worry ladies, that elderly internet perv is a relatively harmless fellow.
And some quips. Because it's been awhile.
Aiya and I while watching the funeral scene in "The Departed" on dvd last night.
Me: Is that supposed to be a gun salute?
Aiya: Yeah, it's a 21 gun salute, because they fire 21 shots.
Me: No way Ms.Marple, you could've fooled me. Anywho, aren't there 21 guys standing there?
Aiya: Yeah that looks right.
Me: So are the 21 men going to shoot 21 times?
Aiya: No, I think it's just 21 bullets need to be wasted. You know, I don't think there's 21 guys there, it looks more like 10.
Me: Well, how is this going to work then?
Aiya: It's easy, maybe it's not 10, there's probably like 6 guys, so they'll shoot thrice.
Me: But that only equals like what? 18? It's not an 18 gun salute.
Aiya: Okay, then afterwards one guy fires off another 3 times.
Thathi: Or, 7 guys just fire thrice.
Aiya and Me: Ohh.
Aiya: Yeah, that could happen too.
Further proof that a calculator isn't a luxury item in our house.
I think its 4 guns firing 5 rounds each and one has to fire 1 extra round. (normally) some even have another reserve Gun incase of misfire.
That's hilarious.
The Wikipedia says this:
"The 21-gun salute is not to be confused with the 3-volley salute using rifles for most military servicemembers or shotguns for police officers at their funerals."
Maybe that's what's in The Departed?
Also, is the film work a few hours of my time?
dogfight: that makes a lot more sense than Aiya's theory.
Chris: that sounds about right, since it was a police funeral. And yes, the movie is all kinds of awesome! You should get your hands on a copy, Leo was AMAZING in it. The original Asian one's way better, but why quibble?
I guess it is WORTH the time then. I was tired.
And thanks for reminding me - Infernal Affairs has been on my list for awhile.
Will he be holed up in my annexe with Toby and Timon waiting by the foot of the stairs to nibble his pants is another question.
huh..I've watched both Infernal Affairs and Departed...never realized the connection...gah...bad taste in women and slow...
slothy: There is a good chance that Timon and Toby will be curled up on his bed for the majority of his stay. He likey the aminals.
N: shameful really.
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