By the time I turn 30, I think that I'll be clinically blind. What's frightening is that 30 isn't all that far away. And ya, sucks about the blindness too. Due to my reliance on glasses and my unwillingness to shove small pieces of plastic (soft or not) into my eyes sunglasses have always been a bit of an issue for me. More than an issue, a veritable pain in the ass. Getting the style of frames I want along with prescription can be a bit daunting, due to the strength of my prescription (nearly blind remember) more often than not I'm told it would be "unsafe" for me to wear what I want. So where does this leave me? Going to Sri Lanka of course and getting a pair done up for way cheaper at some dodgy little place. What the hell, I mean I'm eventually gonna go blind, might as well do so in a pair of sunglasses I like.
The only problem with this set up is, sometimes I forget that I've got my sunglasses on. They're aviators (the square kind, not the hackneyed Ray Ban-esque ones), the lenses are brown and transition gradually into a weaker tint. I have unintentionally, on more than one occasion sat through lectures with those bad boys on. Once I was at Robarts studying, and didn't notice that I was still wearing them until I got home. Ya. After spending 40 minutes on the subway, and 20 minutes on the bus. In my defence I hadn't used the washroom all day, and left my compact (hah!) at home. I wore the blasted sunglasses until 10pm that day. In scenarios such as the above, I just look like a big ass, it's not really a big deal. If anything I'm providing other people with some entertainment.
But yesterday? I bought produce with my sunglasses on. More specifically produce that needed to be checked for blemishes. Sunglasses on, typing away at a computer + sunglasses on in a library that's flooded with super bright artificial light = not being at all prepared for the fall out of buying fruit with sunglasses on.
You would fit right in here in cali, people have their sunglasses on all the time, early in the morn on the bus, in they gym and yes in the grocery store...
I just cant seem to go a week without sitting on my sunglasses, hence ive given up and resigned myself to cataract operations in a few years
I'll remember your catarct operation. Perhaps we can swap audiobooks with each other? Or if your eyes go first, you can teach me braille.
sounds good...the only audiobook I have though is..cough, cough..Watership Down...just sat on another cheapo $20 Fossil pair...sigh
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