Aww. My little Alby is growing up so fast. Happy Birthday! I wish I could make it out to Molly's and watch you get hammered tonight. But alas, that's what happens when you decide to get your edumacation in the middle of a wheat field. Not my fault.
All the best babycakes, and remember, eventually a boy who can do math will come your way.
And just for you a special birthday edition of quips from lunch at Spring Rolls.
Tool: Should I tell him that he gave me incorrect change?
Me: Don't give him a good tip, he sucked.
Alby: I don't know Tool, that is a lot of cash he gave back to you.
Tool: Hang on, (counting furiously) I gave him 10 bucks and I've got like 12 bucks in change. WTF.
Me: Hot damn, clearly he now deserves a good tip.
Tool: No I feel bad, he's going to get into crap when they check the till.
Me: And that's a problem because?
Tool: Well. I know what it's like to screw up the change and stuff. (Calls waiter over.) Excuse me, but I think you gave me the wrong change back
Waiter: Oh, I'm so sorry, I thought you gave me a 20 instead of a 10. (Returns proper change)
Tool: Damn you concious. I mean conscience. It's conscience right?
Me: Oh, Tool.
It was alby's b'day too?
hmm...restrain oneself from perving...restrain...restrain...this is hard...
sloth: yup, all three of us are Feb-babies
N: you and about 95% of the male population ;)
Tool looks a bird...
Belated b'day wishes :)
spectral: indeed she is a bird, but not the smartest of the flock so to speak.
chicken: thanks ;)
would be tempted to say "not being the smartest in the flock" makes her even more attractive...but...I won't :)
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