"Blue, black and blue, dirty kangaroo..."
Aiya was never given to actually playing cricket, he was more prone to be seated under a shady tree eating a chinese roll from the school tuck shop. Regardless of his actual skill on the pitch the Roy-Tho was always a big deal for him. Thathi used to skip out of work to take him and his ankle biting friends. The festivities were sure to end with him having his flag stolen, cap flicked or other sundry article of school pride knicked.
I've never been to one of these "big matches," sadly the closest has probably been the annual Royal-Thomian that Thathi used to help organise back in the day, and the Metros, when the boys used to play basketball. When we all went to Sri Lanka for Punchy Mammah's wedding in 2000 I begged Rajiv to take me with him, but I was deemed too much of a "liability." I think his friends are clearly just pervy.
Usually large Sri Lankan gatherings make me suspicious, and other than the amusement to be had making fun of people, and watching them get sloshed I'm guessing that the novelty of the whole big match thing would wear off pretty quick.
In any case if I ever do find myself in the motherland during the fever you better believe that I will be begging
Is that emblem pasted onto Ollie's head?
I've been to a big match where I was almost caught in a random brawl. Managed to crawl out and scope some chicks though.
No grampa, it's not "pasted" or glued for that matter onto Ollie's head. It's actually a button :)
Did you literally have to crawl?
He's adorable! Been to one big match and witnessed my very first fight, I was quite pleased with myself. Learned quite a few new ways of swearing!
I feel like life will never be complete without learning at least one or two scandalicious Sinhala swear words, and witnessing a drunken fight at a cricket match. *sigh* I'm envious of you Darwin
Darwin: Thanks ;) I know he's the cutest.
hehe...I've seen some hilarious shit at big matches...not a big fan of the fights...but the LC girls...whoo hoo...not so much fun when we get our buts whooped like we did though :(
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