We got pummeled with snow yesterday. When I wasn't breaking my back trying to clear off the driveway I was ensconced inside generally cursing my fate and mucking about with my camera. So for the fifth day of Christmas I find myself in a state of delusion. There are certain things that I am in desperate need of. For starters a warm place where tiki decor would be considered appropriate.
I found myself snapping pictures in my wood paneled basement and thinking of the motherland. Not in any nostalgic manner really. More of a "damn it's hot there and there isn't a snowflake in sight" kind of way. All I need is 1. Bowl of deviled cadju nuts 2. A Lion Lager for our man the fascist 3. An arrack and Coke for the Colombian 4. A yet to be determined drink for me and 5. Ice along with some warm weather. Hmm. I suppose the fifth day of Christmas then would be spent at Global Towers minus the A/C.
Here's a taste of the insanity that we had to deal with.

Now don't you wish that you were someplace warm where tiki decorations would be appropriate?
Is tiki decor ever appropriate?
I want to say that it is in Polynesia, but that's really pushing it.
Warmth and sun. I want it.
I is confused. There be 5 days in Christmas or did beastie go on strike? Or have you been living in a turkey-infused haze and incapable of posting?
Also, one lion lager would not cut it. I'd need more. And Big Bite biriyani after? ;)
It's warm and sunny here, git. Very pleasant today. Feathery clouds and all that.
You lazy bastid. You are seven days short!
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